Because the name of my company is “Under The Oaks Indexing” I naturally was curious about how many streets in the US had the name of Oak.

So I did a Google search and came up with a very nifty website called Melissa Data that was able to satisfy that curiosity.  Specifically I looked at:

When I typed in “Oak” under street names it came up with 79 variations of that name beside just plain “Oak.” From “Oak Alley” (Oak Aly) to “Oak Crossing” (Oak Xing). But to keep the search simple I just looked up “Oak.”

A simple click of the mouse brought up a list of how many streets in each state boasted that name. Alaska with the fewest has 12 (Wow. That many!) While California (my home state) has 6,516 (I am impressed). Adding up the numbers for all the states gives one 80,983. Now remember that number does not include all the Oak Drives, Oak Terraces, etc.

And clicking on a specific state gives one a list of all the cities therein which have that street name.

And don’t forget all the different compound oak names such as “Leaning Oak” (186) , “Mountain Oak” (263), and “Twisted Oak” (367). And all the Circles, Drives, Hollows, and Ways, etc. associated with those names.

All-in-all I would say that it is clear that we love our oak trees.
